All Reviews

Zero communication
I signed for 3 months and can’t wait to end. I get at least a dozen “smiles” a day which I believe are computer generated as I have followed up and received zero communication from the originator. On a daily basis, I receive at least two messages that a user has found the love of her life but her friend wants me to contact her via email or phone. Believe me, they are scammers trying to get your number and/or email address to take over your account, email, bank account, etc.
wanalokaama - April 10, 2022
This is clearly just a rip-off
This has got to be the worst senior dating site around. Wish I had read the reviews before joining. Most of the time I can’t contact anyone or respond to any inquiries- I just get a blank screen that says “none” in the upper left corner. Multiple requests to their customer service are ignored. I did talk to one other member and she has the same problem. This is clearly just a rip-off.
paladijn7m - April 9, 2022
This place all it does it steals your money
This place all it does it steals your money. When I first signed up I didn’t get the premium, then I started getting all these notifications get the premium check out who she is she really likes you got the premium didn’t hear anything from that person this is worse than match. Stay away from this site if they find you a mate and you no longer single they lose their business you being single than making money same thing it’s a scam.
ocanmem - April 8, 2022
This place all it does it steals your money
This place all it does it steals your money. When I first signed up I didn’t get the premium, then I started getting all these notifications get the premium check out who she is she really likes you got the premium didn’t hear anything from that person this is worse than match. Stay away from this site if they find you a mate and you no longer single they lose their business you being single than making money same thing it’s a scam.
ocanmem - April 8, 2022
Don't join this service!
Don’t join this service! They take your money and won’t refund it. They send you profiles with no pictures after you tell them you want pictures. Or pictures of people who don’t respond because they are no longer using the service. Or scammers that will respond to you. You will be wasting your time and money. Then they won’t allow you to delete your profile so they can continue to use it. They themselves are scammers! Don’t fall for it like I did!
prostrtoj73 - April 7, 2022
The site is useless
The site is useless: matches are ridiculously inappropriate and unavailable. There is no search option. The only thing I regret is having wasted a few months of my life on this site. Now I’m having troubles trying to remove my account. They are not willing to let people go so they deliberately make it difficult to cancel.
sbrocedqz - April 5, 2022
Their customer service is dreadful
Sounded too good to be true, and now I know it is. Height is important to me, no one shorter than 5’8″ please – got lots of enquiries from men just over 5 ft. Matches must be close to me, i. E. within 15 miles – had matches from Scotland, Wales, Isle of Wight – I’m near Brighton. Their customer service is dreadful, just a load of excuses. Be warned – don; t sign up.
birwetauxq - April 4, 2022
It is the worst dating site
The only option you have is 6 months and you can’t cancel for a refund. I tried after 5 days and they refused. The site is not inclusive and full of married men and or men trolling for hook ups or they are bigots. It is the worst dating site that I came across.
whits918om - April 3, 2022
It wasn't a complete waste of money
It is basically an email service where you can email with other members – of which there don’t seem to be many of. Paying members can email back and forth. Non paying members are able to send “smiles” so it is pretty much like third grade. You get a lot of “smiles” but what’s the point if you can’t carry on a conversation? It wasn’t a complete waste of money but it’s pretty damn close to it..
szereka8w - April 2, 2022
It was nothing but a time-waster
This website is some kind of dead end: you go round and round in circles, keep wasting your money and nothing ever happens. I ended this pointless ” journey” with no results when I decided that it was time to stop them from taking my money and giving nothing in return. This “service” was not helpful at all. It was nothing but a time-waster.
adaigatzf6 - April 1, 2022
Scam profile
I just cancel my membership 4 months early because it is full of fake profiles and scamming profiles don’t waste your time and hard earn money with this site. When you receive fake subspinous and scam profile and report they don’t seem to care and try to stop it. Take the word from a X member that cancel 4 months early.
chipoupouneur - March 31, 2022
Highly recommend to avoid.
Paid for premium subscription for one year. Although I was very specific as to age, location, and other factors, over 95% of “Matches” were inappropriate. Did not renew, but am bombarded daily with potential mates. Very disappointed, even after several complaints to their service (?) department. Highly recommend to avoid.
fmpevolutionoh - March 30, 2022
Highly recommend to avoid.
Paid for premium subscription for one year. Although I was very specific as to age, location, and other factors, over 95% of “Matches” were inappropriate. Did not renew, but am bombarded daily with potential mates. Very disappointed, even after several complaints to their service (?) department. Highly recommend to avoid.
fmpevolutionoh - March 30, 2022
Keep clear of these nasty people.
This is a horrible site – please don’t waste your time with them. They take it upon themselves to adjust whatever photo you have posted and edit/change it to show only your face – I mean a very, very, very zoomed in shot of your face. I was horrified when I checked my profile and all I saw was my face, every line, wrinkle and scar – none of the background images of boats or gardens or nature – just a big FACE. How embarrassing. As I said, keep clear of these nasty people.
espanyahc4c - March 29, 2022
It's by far the worst dating site
It’s by far the worst dating site I have ever encountered. I was very unhappy the first time I joined it but decided to give it another go as it still gets stellar reviews online. They ask you lots of questions about your preferences for the potential matches but don’t be fooled. They completely disregard your preferences over and over again.
ruinat0o - March 28, 2022
My recommendation is signing up elsewhere
I signed up just before the Pandemic hit. Turns out they bill you in 6 month increments with no email reminder sent. I saw a bill go through from them as Sparks network and contacted them immediately to cancel my membership and issue a refund and they refuse. Their business practices are terrible, Instead of letting you opt out and refunding you, and preserving a business relationship, they take your money and run. My recommendation is signing up elsewhere. Stay away.
agereekam3l - March 27, 2022
Refund policy is a rip off
Their cancellation and refund policy is a rip off. Get ready to jump through fire if you want to cancel. Obviously the reason why so many people want to leave is because this site is inefficient and useless. This site didn’t work out for me and many other people according to the reviews. I suspect they actually don’t aim at providing any dating services. They are focused on conning you out of your hard-earned money by overcharging you and keeping you on automatic renewals until you notice it and start struggling to stop them from taking your money with impunity.
riavere82 - March 26, 2022
Cheaply designed should be unlawful!
This is a terrible site. Can’t personalize your own profile, the search option is a joke, I get men & women who may or may not be actual people. And the very few who are a match are several hundred miles away. I asked for a refund after a couple days of actually using the site and they refused. Also paying 6 months for anything this cheaply designed should be unlawful!.
cleamnneny5 - March 25, 2022
Cheaply designed should be unlawful!
This is a terrible site. Can’t personalize your own profile, the search option is a joke, I get men & women who may or may not be actual people. And the very few who are a match are several hundred miles away. I asked for a refund after a couple days of actually using the site and they refused. Also paying 6 months for anything this cheaply designed should be unlawful!.
cleamnneny5 - March 25, 2022
This is a horrible site
This is a horrible site Again I can’t seem to submit this review. I was here before and I’m seeing the same exact profiles. There are only a handful of profiles that I am matched with. Most of my matches are in another state. It doesn’t matter if you put a 50 mile radius maximum. You will be matched with anyone and it’s so random. The site is full of scam and fake profiles. Stay away from the site. It’s a waste of your hard earned money.
gelecycaxu2 - March 24, 2022
I could never get a response
I could never get a response from this site about getting a partial refund, so I turned to American Express, which got my money back. And then they sent me messages saying they were waiting for payment from me! Why hadn’t I paid! So poorly run, one hand doesn’t know what other is doing.
exhaltiase - March 23, 2022
I am completely SHOCKED
I am completely SHOCKED by the amount of scammers that this site allows on their side. I has been scammed over a dozen time for a littler over a month. This is completely unacceptable! I thought this website was a safe app and respectable but an learning quickly the opposite.and to top it off they don’t phone number for people to call and complain.
elblogdegoft2 - March 22, 2022
The company is impossible to reach
The company is impossible to reach. For three days the telephone recording indicated that all operators were busy serving other customers. It said there were? Other calls before me, but no number was given. I was told they would call back if I pressed 1. No one called back. Three days of no connection. Further, they indicated that women had responded and their profiles were at my member site. No one by those names appeared on site. I do not intend to pay for the total lack of service since I signed up last month.
serlana3q - March 20, 2022
This dating site is terrible
This dating site is terrible in all levels. It’s hard to understand to use and you are very limited to talk or search anyone. There is no matches for me in my area (200km) distance and that covers four cities. 80% of the people have no photo and when I request a photo no response or/and I don’t know if anyone received my messages cause it doesn’t tell me and I paid extra $$$for better service. This is a scam dating site. Use your money on other sites. They offer only the opposite my match request, for example, age difference was way way off and language which I cannot speak. I tried many times to report this but no help was done. Still continuing.
gnarkill666jx - March 18, 2022
I'm getting German spam
Says in fine print that they will refund your premium membership if you cancel during 3 day cool down period, I cancelled and they won’t Refund because I didn’t write a refund request in those 3 days when I cancelled. No where does it say you have to specifically write a request for a refund. Also they sell your email address, I’m getting German spam.
hiladizoz6 - March 17, 2022
Don't sign up.
Okay so I decided to bite the bullet and pay for a dating site. Grant it I didn’t do much research. I heard about this website on a television ad. So I signed up. I’ve been on about a month now and even though I’ve written guys they have never replied. Even when it says they are active. So I’m thinking its just a fake app that took my money and now they are laughing at me. I’ve only had one person say they are not interested and have received a couple of smiles. But when I replied… nothing. So hopefully my comments will save someone $150. Don’t sign up.
yggld18 - March 16, 2022
Don't sign up.
Okay so I decided to bite the bullet and pay for a dating site. Grant it I didn’t do much research. I heard about this website on a television ad. So I signed up. I’ve been on about a month now and even though I’ve written guys they have never replied. Even when it says they are active. So I’m thinking its just a fake app that took my money and now they are laughing at me. I’ve only had one person say they are not interested and have received a couple of smiles. But when I replied… nothing. So hopefully my comments will save someone $150. Don’t sign up.
yggld18 - March 16, 2022
I seriously doubt that
I seriously doubt that most of the profiles are real. Many of the replies or messages are written with a very slight English mistake like one reply I received spelled “Dear” as “Der” and then another one wrote “yes I would love to meet someone AT the neighborhood”. Whenever I see very subtle but clear English mistakes, I am almost sure that the writer is not a native English speaker and is certainly not in my area.
pakema6 - March 16, 2022
Complete scam!
Complete scam! Very few real people, no appropriate matches close to me, impossibility to cancel. They are typical dating scoundrels! There is only hoax and no scam, only fake profiles and nasty community – a 100% contrast to what a dating site should be like. Don’t waste your time on this site, I can tell for sure, with so much choice of dating apps and sites, they are not worth a dime!
neuspelu06 - March 13, 2022
So not worth the money
I’ve been on this site for about five months now. With few exceptions, all of the “men” I’ve met on this platform have misrepresented themselves. Most ask me to leave the platform so we can communicate by email/text. Many say that they’re reaching out on behalf of a friend, boss, etc. I’ve not had any dialogue to speak of and no in-person meetings. So not worth the money.
selatan6y - March 12, 2022
Unbelievable and highly alarming
I have paid for 6 months and I got contacted by numerous scammers with fake profiles. I nearly fell a victim to the first one and then had to educate myself about their tactics, unfortunately… Some of them were taken down by the site’s security team but some were not. The experience was highly disappointing! I met with only one real person for all this time. I suspect the rest of the profiles were fake. Unbelievable and highly alarming.
maskihs9 - March 11, 2022
Why bother
Why bother. Site uses outdated photos and profiles! To date not one single response to smiles or messages. The matches must be deceased!
siltstonetj - March 10, 2022
Scam Scam Scam
I, like others here, found that the “matches” were ALL beyond the 50 mile radius. Of the 4 profiles that I had chats with, 3 were scammers. The one profile that appeared genuine and I had several chats with deleted her account.
talqui16 - March 9, 2022
Beware of this site
I joined this website two weeks ago in an attempt to meet someone. What I found out was that the profiles of the members were all fake and bogus! Scammers are combing this website collecting your personal information in an attempt to do something illegal with it. Not one member was interested in chatting or getting to know me personally but would instead ask inappropriate questions about my personal life. My advice to anyone, beware of this site because your information may be in jeopardy!
poznatogbr - March 9, 2022
Don't use this service!
I’ve been trying to stop my auto renewal for over a month. They make the cancellation process really difficult for anyone who isn’t 100% tech savvy and will NOT send me a link to reset my password despite my many requests for them to send me a link. I’ve lost my original password and yet they REQUIRE that you remember your old password to set a new one – very weird. They just want to keep you paying no mater how unethical. Plus Match is much better – don’t use this service!
imenjakuc2 - March 8, 2022
They replace real women with bots
They replace real women with bots. I saw how scammy and phony it was and I will never go back to it. All they want is to fleece you of your money. They think if you are 50+, you must be stupid and naive. They made up many fake computer-generated and computer-operated profiles, simply using stolen photos of people. Very dishonest company! They make profit by exploiting the vulnerable.
lelebrormampe - March 7, 2022
They replace real women with bots
They replace real women with bots. I saw how scammy and phony it was and I will never go back to it. All they want is to fleece you of your money. They think if you are 50+, you must be stupid and naive. They made up many fake computer-generated and computer-operated profiles, simply using stolen photos of people. Very dishonest company! They make profit by exploiting the vulnerable.
lelebrormampe - March 7, 2022
This site really was a huge waste of money.
This site really was a huge waste of money. Despite setting up my profile as wanting only local, I only received potential matches from people far away. I constantly was getting a notice to beware they were investigating someone who contacted me as suspicious. It seemed most people on the site were not actually real. The few people I interacted with had the same experience. This site was a HUGE waste of my money and time. Do not waste your time!
chiradapq - March 6, 2022
Scam emails
I really wonder if there are any live bodies behind the portraits posted on this site. Few ever respond, although I’ve gotten a number of the scam emails trying to elicit a private email address and/or phone number. There is simply very little interaction with the “players,” which leads me to believe that members are simply cruising. Try Senior Match instead.
draconianlm - March 5, 2022
It's a joke
It’s site has bee awful from day one. First of all it keeps blocking my profile information and there’s nothing wrong with it I don’t understand why my height has been blocked why things I put on here being blocked. I pay for a whole year subscription and nothing happens on the site. Now they want me to pay more money. Save your time go somewhere else and do not sign up for this site. It’s a joke
srodnimak - March 4, 2022
Very disappointed
I have paid for 6 month premium package. Very disappointed, have encountered fake profiles and scammers several times. So thankful I have a keen sense of those who set out to try to get you to leave site so they can trick you into sending money.
torrettafw - March 3, 2022
Its sucks
Its sucks because most of my so called matches are over 40 and over weight. These women don’t turn me on. Also, most of the matches live outside of my city.
bhliadhna6w - March 2, 2022
Its sucks
Its sucks because most of my so called matches are over 40 and over weight. These women don’t turn me on. Also, most of the matches live outside of my city.
bhliadhna6w - March 2, 2022
All I get are fake ass profiles
All I get are fake ass profiles, I’m F 64, they all call me dear! Hate that! Now it’s a game to mess with their stupid come back. I usually just go through profiles and report all the fake, they are SO EASY to spot.
ustawka8i - March 1, 2022
This site is awful
This site is awful……I think that every profile is fake. I run the pics on Google Images and 99% of the time it’s a model or a stock photo taken from an ad or a pic stolen from Pinterest. It’s really discouraging and a big waste of time.
vulgantm2 - February 28, 2022
They take your money
If there is even the smallest smudge on your past record – no matter how long ago – the site will alert anyone you message and warn them against you… without you knowing what is going on. They take your money and then make it impossible to make any connections.
dwyllwyran - February 10, 2022
This company is going soon
This is one of the most poorly functional and monitored Apps. I will be sticking with Match and another reputable site. This has been a complete waste of time and money. Frankly, the free site is better than this one. And better run, to boot. Stay far away. This company is going soon.
bittern3v - January 11, 2022
Total waste of time and money
Total waste of time and money. Hardly any matches, and any I did get were hundreds of miles away, 10 years older and 10 inches shorter. So many hoops to jump through when signing up and creating my profile, yet the matches are nothing like my preferences. Lots of fake profiles, and faceless people.
albarkankfw - January 9, 2022
Very expensive site
Very expensive site but very limited members and success from what I can see,, best of luck. I’m out of here !
oldrimwe - January 8, 2022
Complete waste of time and money
Complete waste of time and money… don’t bother, 6 months subscription and not one date. Men on there are obviously far too above themselves to bother replying. Most in their 50s still want a family. Ludicrously unrealistic and snobs.
ffacsys16 - January 7, 2022
I do not recommend this dating app.
This company cancelled my account without offering a refund. The quality of the people on the site were far from the professionals I expected. I do not recommend this dating app.
vad4life45 - January 6, 2022
They mysteriously disappear
If you sign up but don’t go as far as paying they send you fake messages in the hope you pay the joining fee to see it. I’ve had 3 messages, which are blurred out, that look exactly the same and then they mysteriously disappear after a few days, unlike the ones that are genuine.
sc010fzx - January 5, 2022
They mysteriously disappear
If you sign up but don’t go as far as paying they send you fake messages in the hope you pay the joining fee to see it. I’ve had 3 messages, which are blurred out, that look exactly the same and then they mysteriously disappear after a few days, unlike the ones that are genuine.
sc010fzx - January 5, 2022
Absolutely rubbish!!!
Absolutely rubbish!!! Supposed to be for professional/academic people – what a joke. They take 6 months subscription in one go and you can’t search for people – you just get a couple of (massively unsuitable people) sent to you every few days. Don’t waste your money.
irisse8x - January 4, 2022
Horrendous Site.
Horrendous Site. Extremely unkind people, who lie. Also a large number of scam / false profiles, it’s frightening and I have now requested twice for this site to contact me and they haven’t.
fulaingbf - January 2, 2022
DO NOT go near this site
DO NOT go near this site. Impossible to get out of automatic subscription even after cancellation they still take money and will not refund then will not let you delete profile as your have not cancelled subscription. But they tell you you have cancelled subscription then take money. Stay clear customer service dreadful.
jagers74 - January 1, 2022
I wouldn’t recommend this site
The app needs investment, it’s slow, clunky and glitches frequently when going through daily wild card matches, which means you seem to get the same person over and over again rather than 13 new people. It seems very old fashioned in comparison to the free sites such as Tinder, which is crazy given the amount they charge for this site. I wouldn’t recommend this site, save your money.
karhchow2mq - December 31, 2021
BEWARE!! This is a complete rip off. They automatically renew and charge your credit card without even sending g a reminder email. Do not be taken in by them.
aminefsz5 - December 30, 2021
Crappy site!
Word of advise: take out cash from you account and burn that money or give it to some poor person or go smoke, rather than spend money it on the website.
puperitojf - December 29, 2021
Complete waste of money and time
Complete waste of money and time. They seem to ignore your preferences, particularly re distance. I was also concerned about their screening process, as I had some approaches from individuals who appeared to be possible fraudsters. Watch their automatic renewal process- you get no reminder until after they have charged you, which appears to be sharp practice. As for site – that appears to be a complete misdescription. I feel ripped off
jamasaki0q - December 28, 2021
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